Thesis project for my final semester in the BFA design program at at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM).

The MAP Planner was the product of a group collaboration between Kelli Ann (Harada) Borgonia, Gwendolyn Woltz, Ben Viwatmanitsakul and myself under the art direction/supervision of our professor, Anne Bush.

Campaign Coordinator of the Mānoa Alcohol Project, Pedro Haro, approached our professor for a designed solution that would promote their cause and address the issue of high-risk and underage drinking among freshmen in the residence halls. We concluded that a student planner would be the best tool. We found that a student planner would be the best avenue to reach out to students. Each week of the book contained an alcohol-related fact or statistic and also included graduation requirements, campus guides, and alcohol information.

In Fall 2008, MAP distributed the planner to UH students.



Art Direction

Anne Bush

Team Members

Kelli Ann Harada
Gwendolyn Woltz
Ben Viwatmanitsakul


Pedro Hara
Mānoa Alcohol Project


General Printing Corporation